Rigor Mortis
In this short surreal body horror film, Ilona faces a terrifying reality: her body is slowly falling apart, symbolising her fear of losing her femininity. Amidst this transformation, she resolutely prepares for her final dance performance.               With each step toward the stage, the question grows: will Ilona succeed in performing one last time?
Anne-May de Lijser - Ilona 
Lindsay Zwaan - Maria
Directed by

Rosa Lackroy

Screenplay by

Luuk Verberne

Produced by

Kayleigh Kok

Swaantje Kooijmans

Staas Nelis

Post Production Supervisor

Rik Kornmann


Jan Roelfs


Rick de Beurs

Production Design

Robin van den Hoek

Finn van der Reijden

Costume Design

Robin van den Hoek

Finn van der Reijden

Costume Assistant

Julia Koeleman


Alya Williams

VFX Supervision

Milo Boot

Eli van Herwaarden

Sound Design

Hannah Abrahams


Emilia Voortman

Production Sound Mixer

Sebastiaan Koning


Mees Blankevoort


Violinist - Ábris Ilonczai

Cellist - Luna Pantoja Rodriguez

Assistant Director

Ollie Launchpach

Production Manager

Jip Prudon

3rd AD

Lisa Cito

Script Continuity

Boris Kruijf

Production Assistance

Luca Tofani

Location Manager

Luca Tofani

1st AC

Julie van den Bos

2nd AC

Coco Teeuwsen


Tim Zentner

Best Boy

Baraa Alem


Rana Ayvaz

Roan Poldermans

Leanne te Sligte

Sound Assistance

Luc Boymans

George Ammerlaan

Assistant Production Design

Agnes Ceelen

Max Driest

Nina Kappen

Nando van der Veen

Set Dresser

Finn van der Reijden

SFX Make-Up

Roos Jeltes

Berre de Jong

Robin Pels

Anna-Lucia Peelen

VFX Supervisors

Milo Boot

Thijs Smeele

VFX Coordinator

Ties Flippo

Isabella Hiltzert

Kamran Khan


Ricardo Korver

Claudia van Beelen

Ties Flippo

Isabella-Shiraz Hitzert

Paras Deol

Eli van Herwaarden

Roos ten Hoedt

Milo Boot


Jay Haynes
Audrey Helwes


Sarai van de Boer
Marc Broers
Max Driest
Dyami Koppenol
Jeanette Lackroy
Janine Liang
Ester Lockhorn
Danny Rangoe
Ronja Tilma
Mirjam Vogt

Special Thanks
Camping Vliegenbos
De Bank Amsterdam
With thanks to all staff and coaches of the Filmacademie ©2024 Nederlandse Filmacademie/AHK
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